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Native Plants: Restoring Ecological Benefit to the Home Garden

ID : 41876   
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This class will introduce students to the plants, trees, and shrubs native to our region and discuss their importance in the natural environment. We will discuss what is considered a native plant and the benefits of incorporating native plants into the home garden, highlight different species, and provide tips and techniques for growing and propagating these plants. 1 night/2 hours

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue

Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tec. High School

Lisa McIntosh 

Course Fee: 


Registration Closes On
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 11:59 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025 Weekly - Tue 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM Charlton, Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tec. High School  Map Lisa McIntosh