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Certified Chief Information Security Officer

ID : 42000   
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Language: English

Short Description: Establish yourself as the best information security officer with the help of our intensive Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) program. This is a one-of-a-certification and training program offered by us to help make anyone into the best information security officer.
The need for better information security is a must, particularly as companies and businesses start to rely more on remote data storage option, such as cloud storage. For this reason, the course material focuses on the following:
• Understanding of CCISO information security management domains.
• Taking a closer look at the policies, legal aspects and compliance requirements of the domains.
• Learning how to audit management and IS controls.
• Understand the perspective of operations and project management.
• Discover the technical aspects that a Chief Information Security Officer is responsible for need to manage on a day-to-day basis.
• Develop skills for strategic planning and managing of finance.
The Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) program is perfect for anyone who wants to build a career in this field. The content for this program is developed by activechief information security officers who know the ins and outs of this field. The certification program will help to boost your skills with ease.

Instructor Description: This class supported by an Educational Mentor. Educational mentors have worked or are working in the subject they mentor. Educational Mentors review student work, student progress, and interact with students as needed. They respond to any questions or concerns you might have, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.

Certification: The Certified Chief Information Security Officer program is the first of its kind certification that recognizes an individual’s accumulated skills in developing and executing an information security management strategy in alignment with organizational goals. CCISO equips information security leaders with the most effective toolset to defend organizations from cyber-attacks. To rise to the role of the CCISO, strong technical knowledge, and experience is more imperative now than ever before but it must be accompanied by the ability to communicate in business value. CCISOs understand that their information security decisions often have a direct impact on their organization's operational cost, efficiency, and agility. As organizations introduce new technologies, CCISOs will develop and communicate a strategy to avoid the potential risks stemming from their implementation to the organization's operations.

All required reference materials are provided with this program. Technical requirements:

Internet Connection
• Broadband or High-Speed (DSL, Cable, Wireless)
Hardware Requirements
• Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
• Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

Software Requirements
• Operating Systems - Windows 7, 8 or 10; Mac OS x 10 or higher
• Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
• Cookies MUST be enabled
• Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)

Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

Start Date:upon registration

Course Fee: 


Registration Closes On
Saturday, August 30, 2025 @ 2:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
Online 24/7 N/A - Online