Thank you for your interest in teaching for the Bay Path Adult Evening School Program. We offer not-for-credit classes in a wide variety of areas. Classes range in duration from single-session evenings to ten-session courses, with licensing courses running much longer. We are always looking for people with a skill or a talent who want to share their special interest and become part of our Adult Education program. The most important requirement for our instructors is interest and enthusiasm for their subject. Instructors are paid on an hourly basis as an independent contractor, and paid upon completion of course offering. Salary is negotiable with the director and agreed upon at the time of course acceptance. Students are generally working adults, so classes are usually scheduled during the evening Monday through Thursday evenings. We accept course proposals all year-round; however, classes are developed for Fall and Spring semesters only. Your proposal will be reviewed, considering such things as potential interest, available facilities, and compatibility with our existing offerings. Proposals not adapted for the upcoming semester are kept on file for future consideration. To submit a proposal, please complete the form available below: Instructor Information/Course Proposal Sheet (If you are submitting more than one course, then you will need to complete a separate form for each class.) Return the forms by mail to: Bay Path Adult Evening School, 57 Old Muggett Hill Road, Charlton, MA 01507 ATTN: Lori Douthwright; or email to or fax to 508-248-4747. Please Note: Course proposals are reviewed at the end of November for the Spring semester and at the end of May for the Fall semester. You may not receive an immediate response to your proposal until the review time, so please be patient.
Instructor Info/Course Proposal
Bay Path Adult Evening School 57 Old Muggett Hill Road Charlton, MA 01507 Attention: Lori Douthwright, Director