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The Flipped Classroom

ID : 41574   
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Language: English

Short Description: Are you ready to flip your classroom? Thinking about using a less than traditional method of teaching in your class? After learning about the history of the “flipped classroom,” you will look at how the roles and expectations of students and teachers change when using this model. No longer are students using textbooks and sitting in rows with a chalkboard. Today’s generation is using the Internet and technology to approach learning. Teachers are facilitator’s and encourage learning through interacting with the students, not lecturing. The Flipped Classroom course will give you strategies and tips to effectively implement the model into your class.

Instructor Description: This class is an independent-study course. Students will have all the resources needed to successfully complete the course within the online material. A student helpdesk is available for technical support during the course enrollment.

Internet Connection:
Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections

Hardware Requirements:
Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

PC/Windows Requirements:
Operating Systems - Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1

MAC Software Requirements:
Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows

Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is the best browser for this course
Cookies MUST be enabled
Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
Adobe PDF Reader
QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player

Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

Start Date:upon registration

Course Fee: 


Registration Closes On
Friday, June 20, 2025 @ 2:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
Online 24/7 N/A - Online

Other Class Offerings

The Flipped Classroom
ID: 41985

StartDate: upon registration
Online 24/7


Online Class Instructor