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Social Media Professional

ID : 41987   
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Language: English

Short Description: Social media is now a necessary part of any organization's marketing, sales, recruiting, or public relations initiatives. Organizations that use social media effectively create long-term brand advocates from social media followers; while others spend their time in crisis management. This program includes four topic areas, marketing and PR, branding yourself with social media, social media marketing, and WordPress. With these areas we will take the latest social media tools, marketing trends and apply them to real-life examples in your business to equal success. In our course you'll build your skills in each lesson and master cost-effective marketing strategies. We will look deep into newly popular tools such as Infographics, photo-sharing using Pinterest and Instagram. From Facebook to Pinterest to video sharing, this class will teach you the techniques and ideas that are practical, easy, and effective for your brand. Networking and social media is a business tool that needs to be utilized, but do you know how to properly use it to fit your brand? We will teach you to choose today’s best social media tools for your personal goals, and how to leverage new platforms like Pinterest and Google+, build a personal brand campaign and measure the success of your social media branding. With all of these tools you will be ready for success!

Instructor Description: Though this program is a self-paced program it is supported by an educational mentor. Educational mentors are subject matter experts who have years of experience in their field as well as the necessary educational training and credentials to work as an expert. The mentor is available to answer any questions a learner may have including questions on course content, course material, certifications, and even industry questions. Mentors also monitor the progress of learners to ensure training retention and program advancement. In eLearning, motivation is a key tool to success. Because of this, mentors provide encouraging comments, feedback, and coaching to motivate learners throughout the duration of the program to support completion and success!
Angela Caban is the educational mentor for this program. She is a professional writer, owner of AC Consulting Services and founder of the Homefront United Network. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and her Master of Human Resources Management. Angela has been writing since 2008 and has been published in various online and print publications, she has also contributed work as an author to two award winning books. She started a military family support website in 2010 when her husband deployed to Iraq with the Army National Guard. She currently runs her consulting business full time and has also worked with small business professionals and television networks such as PBS and A&E Networks.

Certification: National Institute for Social Media

All required reference materials are provided with this program. Technical requirements:

Internet Connection
• Broadband or High-Speed (DSL, Cable, Wireless)
Hardware Requirements
• Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
• Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

Software Requirements
• Operating Systems - Windows 7, 8 or 10; Mac OS x 10 or higher
• Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
• Cookies MUST be enabled
• Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)

Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

Start Date:upon registration

Course Fee: 


Registration Closes On
Saturday, August 30, 2025 @ 2:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
Online 24/7 N/A - Online