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Supply Chain Management Professional

ID : 42033   
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Language: English

Short Description: Our Supply Chain Manager program introduces the core concepts and components of supply chain management, including supplier evaluation, logistics, inventory management, and other supply chain practices. As the supply chain grows in complexity, and companies increasingly source products and services from a more diverse and global set of suppliers, the job of managing the processes that ensure the steady and reliable flow of components and inputs has never been more difficult. This program explores lean basics and describes the core concepts and central principles practitioners will need to successfully understand and apply Lean strategies to organizational operations. The program provides instructional material that explains the underlying philosophy and theory of effective Lean implementation. Students will then review essential skills for the practice of management in an international business context. We will cover practical applications of management including: setting a mission and vision for the global business enterprise; developing a global business plan; conducting research in an international environment; understanding the nuances of cultural, legal, political, and regulatory differences; and using technology to support global trade as well as practical applications of marketing including: assessing the external environment; performing strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis; conducting international market research; developing a marketing plan and budget; determining the global marketing mix (product, price, placement, and promotional strategies); and conducting competitor analysis and practical applications of trade finance including: political and economic risks, foreign exchange tactics and risks, credit and payment risks, optimal terms of payment, arranging financing, and setting the business's overall financial plan.

Instructor Description: This course is completely self-paced. Learners are provided access to the learner support helpdesk where they can ask any questions relating to the experience or curriculum.

Certification: The CSCP certification takes a broad view of the supply chain management field extending beyond internal operations to encompass all the steps throughout the supply chain – from supplier, through the company to the end consumer. The CSCP provides you with the knowledge to effectively manage the integration of these activities to maximize a company’s value chain. Each state may have additional licensing requirements, be sure to research your states requirements for employment by visiting your states occupation board.

All required reference materials are provided with this program. Technical requirements:

Internet Connection
• Broadband or High-Speed (DSL, Cable, Wireless)
Hardware Requirements
• Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
• Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

Software Requirements
• Operating Systems - Windows 7, 8 or 10; Mac OS x 10 or higher
• Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
• Cookies MUST be enabled
• Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)

Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

Start Date:upon registration

Course Fee: 


Registration Closes On
Saturday, August 30, 2025 @ 2:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
Online 24/7 N/A - Online

Other Class Offerings

Supply Chain Management Professional
ID: 41618

StartDate: upon registration
Online 24/7


Online Class Instructor