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Discover a Career as a Photographer

ID : 41473   
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Language: English

Short Description: The demand for skilled photographers is on the rise. If you are interested in a dynamic career in a high demand, rewarding profession, this course is for you. This course provides a look into taking a passion for photography and turning it into a professional career. It will look at the day to day responsibilities of a professional photographer. We will take a deep dive into the training and requirements for pursuing a successful career in this field. Lastly, this course will look at the evolution, current trends, and facts of working as a professional photographer.

Instructor Description: This class is an independent-study course. Students will have all the resources needed to successfully complete the course within the online material. A student helpdesk is available for technical support during the course enrollment.

Certification: Certified Professional Photographer

Reliable internet connection and internet ready device.

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Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

Start Date:upon registration

Course Fee: 


Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
Online 24/7 N/A - Online

Other Class Offerings

Discover a Career as a Photographer
ID: 41694

StartDate: upon registration
Online 24/7


Online Class Instructor